Final Product


“For the want of a shoe the horse was lost,
For the want of a horse the rider was lost,
For the want of a rider the battle was lost,
For the want of a battle the kingdom was lost,
And all for the want of a horseshoe-nail.”

What would happen if humans on earth simply doesn’t exist? Well, maybe a large part of nature would remain in good condition and several endemic species would be safe. A lot of questions appear when something like a fact or a decision change world's history however many people live life without a pause and these thoughts only are another ideas rounding their heads. When all of these ideas are on a curious mind they are the causatives of thousands and thousands of existential questions. Why clouds take different forms? , Why landscapes have different colors?, These series of nonsensical patterns have a theoretical explanation, dramatic changes have a mathematical definition who is fractals and this fractals are part or “Chaos Theory” proposed by Edward Lorenz.

In the film Mr. Nobody, starring Jared Leto and produced by Jaco Van Dormael we can see a series of conflicts and decisions that affect the future of the person who make them. This has much to do with indeterminable mathematical patterns. Fractals are materials that have unique behaviors and are extremely complex to understand. While science studies what is predictable chaos theory proposes to look beyond the obvious and establish logic to the behavior of certain objects in the world. Both the weather and the stock market are unpredictable things, and yet we have found estimated results none of these sounds totally true. It is said that the flapping of a butterfly can produce a tornado on the other side of the world. This is the famous "Butterfly Effect". This is a metaphor to represent that small changes can produce big differences in events after this.

Maybe we don’t think about it often but it would have happened if our parents hadn’t met? Or, what were the facts for them to know each other? Why they met? And what happen if someone doesn’t like the other. Small things like arriving on time to the first date between both influence so much in the future, for example with your birth. If your mother dislikes unpunctuality maybe she wouldn’t have taken another date with your father. Many people organize their lives, make their goals, and pursue a career after several long years of study but what is the result if one of these people doesn’t feel satisfied? Maybe he or she make the wrong decision and that ruined his life. Every action we do has a reaction, therefore we need to be meticulous when we make any process, Koontz (2004) on “The Corner of His Eye affirms: Each smallest act of kindness, reverberates across great distances and spans of time --affecting lives unknown to the one whose generous spirit, was the source of this good echo. Because kindness is passed on and grows each time it’s passed until a simple courtesy becomes an act of selfless courage, years later, and far away. Likewise, each small meanness, each expression of hatred, each act of evil. (pag.33)

The butterfly effect or sensitive dependence on initial conditions is the property of a dynamical system that, starting from any of several decisions and facts without specific order. When Edward Lorenz present the theory was a smack on science world, because nobody can explain in that way the complexity of the patterns of fractals and the indeterminate behavior of fractals. Lorenz. (1983) “When I was a kid I was always interested in doing things with numbers, and also fascinated by changes in the weather.” (pag.12)
While Lorenz’s Butterfly Effect theorems never talked about the time being linear, there are many variables in a real world scenario, which are difficult to compute in order, for example: The 9/11, Berlin Wall, Second World War, ISIS. All of them are part of a series of facts which determinate the rise of these events.
One example of butterfly effect was Charlie Wilson story.
An old dog enters the yard of City councilor, Charles Hazard. Out of spite, Hazard feeds the dog with food mixed with broken glass which results in the dog’s eventual death. The dog belonged to a 13 year old boy who decides to take revenge by campaigning in the elections against his neighbour. He gathers 96 voters to vote against Charles Hazard, who loses the council election by just 16 votes. The young boy gets hooked and becomes active in politics from young age - becoming a Senator from Austin, Texas at the young age of 27. Boy’s name was Charles Nesbitt Wilson, but people called him Charlie, Charlie Wilson

In conclusion the butterfly effect is closely related to us, every destruction, every step, every idea that the executed sea has a consequence for the future, we are not product of chance.
The human being exists for several events and takes of autonomous decisions of the fractals. If we had not been born perhaps some other species had developed and evolved, that is to say we are always in constant change, in constant lives without pause where every action we have has a strong impact on our future.

Although we humans are not a series of positive decisions here we are.

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